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mind reader

Do you think a computer can read your mind ?
Try, you will see it's possible !

Instructions :
Choose an integer number between 1 and 99 (let's take for example 67). Subtract from this number each of the two digits that make it.
(in our example, the result is : 67 - 6 - 7 = 54)
Look at the table bellow : each symbol correspond to a number. Find the symbol corresponding to yours and repeat it in your mind for 5 seconds.
Finally, click on the magic square !

  0§    1C    2W    3^    4D    5€    6]    7}    8X    9§  
  10ß    11K    12^    13Ø    14Œ    15X    16X    17æ    18§    19G  
  20T    21M    22æ    23^    24K    25H    26]    27§    28G    29A  
  30C    31M    32P    33P    34X    35M    36§    37€    38¥    39Ø  
  40]    41D    42®    43X    44S    45§    46G    47_    48K    49}  
  50]    51®    52^    53¶    54§    55]    56X    57A    58_    59¶  
  60æ    61W    62C    63§    64}    65{    66S    67©    68G    69}  
  70F    71Ø    72§    73D    74Z    75D    76D    77Ø    78G    79D  
  80Œ    81§    82}    83§    84J    85ß    86^    87T    88©    89#  
  90W    91H    92_    93Ø    94T    95Ø    96G    97}    98}    99R  

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